There are two types of temperance we must master, that is self-control of the mind and self-control of the body.
Being mentally healthy means being deeply aware of your true self and curating the life you desire. A mentally healthy person knows how to control their thoughts, desires, and feelings. When negative thoughts enter the mind, a person with temperance is able to reject any thoughts
Personal discipline, self-control, and moderation are the secret ingredients for a clear, resilient, and healthy mind.
One who practices sophrosyne seeks wisdom over money, valuable relationships over passive acquaintances, purpose over contentment, self-accomplishment over worldly accomplishment, resilience of mind over indulgence in narcotics, optimism over pessimism, and vitality over comfort. The journey to a healthy mind involves introspection and self-discipline of the mind, body, and soul.
In the context of a struggling nation, many individuals are grappling with mental health challenges, often resorting to antidepressants and battling forms of anxiety or depression. Despite the shift back to normalcy, internal pain persists due to a lack of personal discipline and self-control, leading to a constant pursuit of external sources of happiness rather than seeking within.
Embracing discipline, reframing thoughts, and fostering inner calm through prayer and meditation can transform one's mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. This holistic approach, enables the cultivation of inner strength to confront external chaos and achieve lasting freedom.
Self-control creates freedom. When you are truly in control of your thoughts, you free yourself from the tormenting thoughts that would bring you sadness, anger, and dispair
The conscious practice of self-control can liberate us from the objects of this world, from prejudices, our superstitions our fixations.
The attainment of true self-control liberates us from egotism. then we are able to experience the second fruit of the spirt, gentleness.
When you master your thoughts, wishes, and desires, you no longer are opinionated, and
The artwork that goes along with this philosophy is inspired by the tranquil teal hues of the Ionian Sea surrounding the Greek Islands.