Dark, rich blues.

Peaks of white reflections of light. 

When our world is drowning us in stressful thoughts and situations, all we want to do is submerged our minds underneath the surface of the water.

To silence our racing thoughts. 

To calm our anxious nerves. 

When it seems like there is no escape to the madness of our reality, our soul begins to crave a way out. An escape. 

To reset to our mind to a calm state,

To unwind our tense muscles into a relaxed way of being.

To rediscover our inner soul that has been suffocated by external pressures. 

The water becomes a place of refuge. 

A place where we can recharge our battery. 

Work, obligations, errands, the constant need to feel needed, drags us ragged.

We get to the point where the hustle breaks us to pieces. 

How much before we break? 

Our once full being is now fractured into pieces. 

Broken to the point where you don’t even recognize yourself when you look in the mirror. 

The version of yourself that you see is beat, defeated, deflated, robotic. 

An outer shell of a body just pushing though everyday to just get to the next. 

What kind of existence is this? 

What is the purpose of constantly hustling in order to please anyone and anything other than yourself. 

Who even are you?
Who have you become?
Where has that happy child gone that once lived in this body? 

Can you even remember what made that child happy?
Can you even remember what it feels like to experience true joy? 

What is it like to live in a state of ignorance?

What is it like to live in a state of bliss? 
Could it ever be possible to return to this free state of calm? 

When I gaze into the painting my body, mind and soul return to the moment in time when I was once floating in the Sea. 

Body is hovering on the surface of the water. 

Ears muffled by the liquid.

Skin feeling the movement of the waves.

Thoughts finally rest. 

Mind is finally at peace. 

Body is finally calm. 

Muscles are finally relaxed. 

Soul is finally recognizable again. 



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