A Year Dedicated to Creating Freedom

What it is that I truly desire? What at our core do all humans desire most? 


Freedom from all pain, distress and sorrow. Freedom from society's obligations, standards and unspoken codes. Freedom to speak, learn and create with no restrictions, no limitations on time, or anyone telling you what you can or can't do. 

The different types of freedom I desire are financial freedom, spiritual freedom, and time freedom. Freedom to feel and experience all the vast beauty that is avalible for us in this world. 

Creating Financial Freedom 

Instead of following what society tells us will bring us freedom, like hustling, clocking in and out of a job, and working to exhaustion, this year I'm attempting a completely different approach. 

My approach to freedom is going to feel easy. My goal is to reprogram myself to live in ease, and in peace to create the freedom I desire. I don't want the pursuit to freedom to feel hard, or have to struggle to get it. I am going to allow myself the time and space to flow freely and create freely. Like I am doing right now. I didn't have it planned on my calendar to write from 6am-11:20am this morning, but here I am enjoying this creative process and writing away. 

God created the world to be a garden of hope and prosperity. All the food we will ever need has been given to us as a gift from God. All the land, gold, houses, clothing we will ever need is our God given right. 

These ideas are dangerous for anyone in charge trying to control others and make money for themselves. And the truth of our current society is that we are all sold a lie that we have choices and that we are free. When in reality we are all glorified slaves. Our jail cells are our homes, and our prison is the screen.  We work to pay back out debts for education and housing. And live in a endless cycle of credit card debt but call it freedom because the word is written on the card. Credit cards are a false freedom. An illusion of choice, when in reality those without discernment go into so much debt they can't crawl their way out. Forever indentured to accumulating interest. Work, grind, and hustle until you are just a shell of a human, just to feel empty when the life of abundance they promised you has now turned into being an indentured servant. 

Only those with wisdom and discernment can see through this vail of deception that the government has entranced among us. 

So to 2025, my first goal is to pay off my credit card debt, and to save as much money as I can to purchase investment properties that will continue to build generational wealth for myself, my husband, my future children, and my children's children. 

Full transparency, I am in pursuit of financial freedom. 

So much energy, time, and emotion is spent each day around money. 

So much distress comes from the absence of money. 

I think about all the hours of my life I have spent stressing over money. Standing in places I don't want to be in, only in order to receive a few dollars an hour. Wasting my life in exchange for pennies that slip through my fingers anyway, and leave me still a servant to debt. 

Not being able to buy whole organic produce to feed myself and my family. Not being able to clothe myself in natural fabrics, not being able to travel places that my heart wants to go to. 

Watching my parents struggle my entire life has been the fuel that ignited my passion to achieve financial freedom in this life. I've seen and experienced first hand what its like to not be financially free, and I don't want a life like that. 

I'm over the longing, the waiting, the stress, and the discomfort that having not enough money brings to my life. 

The solution, is to make so much money that money doesn't consume my every thought and decision. So that I can enjoy my life in peace and abundance. 

Every hour of every day can be spent in creative flow, in prayer and in pursuit of having a relationship with God. That there is no need to think about money for even a moment. To simply just be. To exists, to laugh and play outside. To build meaningful relationships with others and to be fully present. To be relaxed and calm. To be confident and radiant. To be seen. That is what I truly desire. 

It's not actually the money that I crave, but the freedom that an abundance of money will bring. 

Instead of viewing money as an evil entity in my life that holds me back from realizing my dreams, this year I am choosing to view money as my friend. My accomplice, my partner in crime. My mate that brings me closer to Christ. Because the more money I can accumulate the more money I can circulate for to create more beauty in this world. 

Creating Spiritual Freedom

The chains that hold back my soul from experiencing true happiness, abundance, peace and bliss are my sins. AKA any action that I take that brings me further away from God. 

Recently I've been struggling with a phone addiction. I have to admit that I'm addicted to scrolling for hours on instagram and tik tok. I tell myself I'm "working" or "relaxing" or "getting inspiration" but every time I get off the hamster wheel of scrolling I feel depressed, distant from myself and unfulfilled. I fall deep into a trap of comparing my life to others that are years ahead of me. I soak in the colors of exotic places that I want to visit, then have to look up out my window to a reality of a grey sky, brown glass, and black streets. A world I choose to live in that is dark, grey and extremely cold. It feels hard to enjoy my own reality when all I'm looking at on the screen is a reflection of what it is my heart truly desires, traveling, eating yummy food, spending time with friends. Every minute I spend scrolling I am polluting my subconscious mind and soul. I get off and feel muggy, drained, and exhausted instead of refreshed. 

Scrolling keeps my mind away from myself and away from God, ultimately leading to dissatisfaction with myself, anxious, and stressed. 

To combat this habit, I've been making it my mission to stop scrolling when I go to the bathroom, to not check instagram right when I wake up like its the daily news. And to instead wake up and immediately start writing, like i did this morning, or reading some mornings, or moving my body on other mornings, or drawing random doodles other mornings. Day to day I kinda play it by ear on how I'm feeling that day. But I noticed that when I start to write in the morning fresh out of bed, I feel inspired to continue writing for hours. Same for when I choose to read in the mornings, I end up spending most of my day reading. Same with making art. Whatever activity I start my day with, ends up bleeding into the rest of my day. 

Another habit that I'm trying to break is swearing and not going to church every Sunday. I've accumulated a bad habit of using swear words on a regular basis, and I feel icky every time those words come out of my mouth. I think part of me only uses bad words to feel cool and to fit in. But in reality it just brings me further away from God, and makes me disingenuous because using bad language is not aligned with who I am at my core. Deep down I'm a God fearing Christian woman and I love that about myself. So this year I'm going to do my best to embrace who I truly am, and be genuine to my true love for God. That includes going to church every Sunday and not making excuses. 

And since I'm on the transparency train over here, I have to admit that the reason I haven't been going to church is because I've been waking up on Sunday mornings and scrolling on my phone for hours until I've convinced myself that I'm too late to go. So ridiculous I know. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you the phone addiction has become that much of a problem, that I miss out on doing the things I love because I mis manage my time scrolling on my phone. That foul habit is defiantly going OUT in 2025. Yuck. 

Creating Time Freedom

Time freedom to me means being able to choose how I spend my days. Not having a schedule or a plan, and being able to the things that I love at my leisure. Having time to sit in solitude, to pray, to paint, to nap, to read, to walk outside, to spend time with friends and family, to travel to wherever I want in the world whenever I want to. 

In the past I've tried sticking to strict schedules and planned routines for myself, but through trail and error, I've discovered that I don't like being told what to do, even if its me telling me what to do. So the method I found that works best for me, and gives me the freedom that I so deeply crave, is to leave my daily calendar open. Every week I spend time writing down the tasks that I want to accomplish that week that will make me feel proud of myself. For example, last week I said to myself that I want to write a blog post about my 2025 goals. I didn't however force myself to say I am going to write it on Thursday morning from 6am-11am. If I told myself I needed to sit down and write for 6 hours, I would have laughed in my own face and avoided the task all together. I instead didn't put a date or a time limit on how long I wanted to spend on writing the post, I simply added it to my list of things I wanted to do this week to feel proud of myself. And this morning I woke up inspired to write. I wrote down this goal over a week ago. I didn't beat myself up for not doing it the next day, because I've built this trust with myself that I know when I set my mind to something that I want to do, I will make the time to do it. And I know you might think that I'm extremely privileged that I get to spend 6 hours free writing on a random Thursday morning. But for the last seven years this has been my only goal. To wake up and to write and write and write and write like I have nothing better to do. Or to paint and paint and create like time doesn't exist at all. 

When I was in high school I dreamed of this day, in college I dreamed of this day and when I was teaching full time I dreamed of this day. And slowly over the course of many years, and remaining intentional to this goal of mine, I've put myself in a situation where I am able to enjoy this luxury in life of time freedom. 

I value my time to create so deeply, and I am so grateful I get to continue creating this year. 

Now, time to get transparent again, this past 5 months I have not been fully respecting my time. I have said yes to commitments that have brought me off the path of my goals and dreams. I've said yes to responsibilities that I should have said no to. As a consequence to saying yes, I ended the year with my peace completely interrupted, my soul left shaky and burnt out, and my creative practice got pushed to the side to accommodate for the chaotic schedule I accidentally created for myself. 

So in 2025 I am making a promise to myself to say no to anything that pulls me away from my ultimate goal. To be okay temporarily disappointing other people in order to protect my peace and my freedom. I have said already said no to another teaching position I've been offered, even though on the outside the money seemed nice, but in exchange I would have to give my time and my freedom. So I said no. I said no to quick cash so that I can prioritize building my business. So that I can have the time, the peace and the energy to create and serve you, my reader, and to serve myself, my family and God. 

Because the truth is when I say yes to an opportunity, what I'm really doing is saying no to myself. Saying no to my own dreams, my own goals, my own relationship with God and my husband. When I say yes to these shiny experiences I am actually sacrificing my time and my peace. So this year, I'm saying no. And I'm not going to regret my decision. 

Where I envision myself in 7 years  

My ultimate goal in pursuit of freedom is to have the financial resources to travel to Greece for the majority of the year. To jump from island to island. Visiting family, sites, beaches, cities, monasteries, and everything in between. To spend time writing and painting next to the beach from a beautiful villa. To be able to fly my parents and sisters to Greece to spend time with me there. To host creative retreats in Greece and show you why I love Greece so dearly. Greece to me ultimately represents freedom, and that is why I continue to chase my passions everyday until that day arrives where I get to live freely in the place I love most. All that to say I do adore my home here in Chicago, and wouldn't want to leave permanently. I love my family and friends that I have here, and they bring so much joy into my life that I love spending the time here as well. I am consciously creating this life everyday so that in the future, I can have the freedom to spend an unlimited amount of time in that place that makes me feel so free.

How do I plan on generating this spiritual, financial & time freedom this year you may ask? 

Well a few different ways and I'm here to share them all with you, and inspire you to also pursue freedom this year in your own life. 

The first way I plan to create spiritual & financial freedom is through my own creative practice.  

Creating art is a way for me to create spiritual freedom in my life, and through sharing my creativity with the world, I am rewarded with financial freedom. 

Making art is prayer. When I'm alone in my studio moving my hands across the canvas in silence, my mind and soul can communicate with God. I can talk to Him, ask him questions, and get answers spoken into my heart. The stillness of creating brings me closer to Him, setting my heart free from any worldly stress or fantasies. 

Every work of art that I create is created in prayer. A prayer to bring peace, inspiration, hope and light into the life of anyone who is suffering. There is so much pain being experienced in all of our hearts, and only God can take away our pain if we simply ask Him to. Just like the water can wash away our worries, our pains, our sufferings, so can God cleanse our heart from distress when we spend time in silence with Him. 

The most beautiful part about creating art is that art takes our pain and transforms it into beauty. Without pain, beauty would not exist. Art has the power to heal our hearts. Through creating we are able to relax into a state of pure peace. When I'm creating I can fully experience the presence of God working within my body and soul, ultimately creating a sense of spiritual freedom.

 I hope that every work of art that I create exudes the feeling of divine wisdom, peace, and the presence of God, our creator, into every space the art exists in.

This year I plan to continue painting the ocean, as well as exploring other memories from Greece including the food, architecture, mountains, flowers, monasteries, cliffs, and humans that my heart adores so dearly. My goal is to draw and paint everyday, and create new original works of art that you will be proud to hang in your home.

And an exciting announcement!  Save the date for March 1st! 

I will be hosting an exhibition titled "FREEDOM" at the new Celestial Art Curation Gallery in Hinsdale. This exhibition will feature original works of art from my collection, along with a curated show featuring Greek-Woman Artists from across America. There will be works of art on display from artists from Virginia, Florida, New York and California. On March 1st we will be having a panel discussion with all of the artists, followed by an opening cocktail reception. I am so excited I have the honor and privilege to curate and participate in such a unique show! 

To view avalible works of art that you can bring into your home, and support my pursuit of financial freedom, while making your home more beautiful, click here. 

The second way I plan to create spiritual & financial freedom in 2025 is through teaching you how to create your own meaningful works of art and guide you to become that artist your always dreamed of becoming! 

Let me guess, for years you've been trying (and failing) to stay consistant making art. You make art for a day when you feel inspired, then months go by and you haven't made a single thing. I get it because I've been there myself, and i know the feeling all too well. 

While I was in college, my professor taught me the invaluable lesson of the daily drawing practice. He gave me the assignment to draw anything for 30 days straight, and it could really be anything. This assignment taught me discipline, while also giving me the creative freedom to doodle whatever I wanted with no expectations. 

I later went on to continue the 30 day challenge and did an 100 day drawing challenge all on my own after the assignment had ended. I became obsessed with how drawing daily made me feel. 

Drawing brought my mind peace, and gave me a sense of accomplishment that I can't describe, you need to experience it for yourself. 

I realized that the key to finding your personal art style is through simply fall in love with the daily drawing practice. And the daily practice leads you to places your brain could not even imagine! 

If you told me 5 years ago that I would be making paintings like you see me create today, I would have looked at you like you were crazy. But here we are, I've built an entire brand and business around my Greek Ocean Art, and I give all the credit to the daily drawing practice that got me there. 

So many of you have asked me how I developed my unique signature art style, that I've made it my mission to teach you, and give you the exact roadmap to finding YOUR OWN abstract art style inspired by your memories. 

In 45 days, you will be guided though video lessons, journal prompts and drawing assignments to discover your own abstract art style. 

And I'm not teaching you how to make basic, boring art. I'm going to teach you to trust your funky doodles to guide your hands to create your own signature art style that is so unique to YOU.  

I have spent the last few years developing this art curriculum through my own experience of figuring out my own abstract art style.  everything you need to know to become a successful abstract artist for yourself!

Inside the program, you will walk through all the foundations of abstract art and art history. Teaching you all the important vocabulary and "rules" to creating art that will be perceived as beautiful by any human being who looks at it. 

At the beginning,  you will be prompted to go on your own adventures, make your own memories and take inspiring photographs along your journey. 

You will then be using your photographs to inspire your abstract drawings, leaning into your default doodle habits, to create a signature abstract art style that is so unique to you and never seen before!  

By the end of the 45 days you will be on your way to creating your own beautiful original abstract art that you will be proud to share with your family, friends, co-workers and with strangers on the internet, who will become your raging fans!

You can invest in your dream of becoming an abstract artist, and achieving your own success in creating spiritual and financial freedom, all while helping me create spiritual and financial freedom, by enrolling in Abstract Art Academy right now!

The third way I plan to create spiritual & financial freedom in 2025 is through hosting in-person creative workshops every month at Creative Escape! 

My dear friend Christine, just opened up a brand new art gallery in the heart of downtown Hinsdale. She has created a space for creativity and connection to thrive! 

Every month we come together for a special creative experiences. These in-person events hold such a special place in my heart and bring me so much joy. Being able to share my love for creativity and watching the energy of art pour into your heart and soul brings me so much satisfaction. I know first hand how transformative creating abstract art can be, and it is my pleasure to bring art into your life as well. Being in person together adds an extra layer of energy and love to my life. I can feel the gratitude from each and every one of you who attend these special in-person learning experiences. 

And I seriously don't hold back. I give it my all, and I share openly my own personal experiences and lessons I've been through in my own life. 

This January 16th  we are DRAWING our vision boards for 2025! 

At this workshop we will be setting out our personal, financial, and family goals, all out on the paper. We will use cut out images, words and numbers into a work of art that we can display in our office and see every day. 
We as humans need visual cues to remember things and stay on track for our goals. 

February 13th we will be watercolor painting our own Valentine's day cards! 

In the spirt of love we will also be leaning about the 7 different types of love in Ancient Greek philosophy: Agape, Eros, Pragma, Filia, Storge, Ludus,  Philautia. 

March we will be whipping out the acrylic paints and canvas to create our own original abstract painting inspired by our own favorite vacation memories. 

You can attend the workshops by saving your seat here! 

The forth way I plan to create spiritual & financial freedom in 2025 is by offering an intimate art, culture and spiritual excursion on the Greek Island of Kefalonia this summer! 

From June 22nd-26th my husband Angelo and I will become your Greece tour guides! We have such a special itinerary planner to take a group of our friends to the island of Kefalonia. 

I have our days planned out with relaxing painting sessions on the beach, private chef dinners at the villa, a full day boat tour around the island, visits to the holy sites of the saints, and so much more! 

I love Greece so much because the land truly refreshes your mind, body and soul. And my goal is for each day to bring our travelers inspiration, enlightenment, beauty and memories that will last a lifetime! 

For more information on the trip and how you can tag along, click here! 

The fifth way I plan to create spiritual & financial freedom is through posting constantly on YouTube. It has been a goal of mine to host a talk show for a long time, and I've started and stopped twice now. Lol, got to love that self sabatoge. It happens to even the best of us all! This year is going to be different. I am going to make filming my videos fun and easy for myself. 

I've noticed a trend for myself that if something feels like hard work, and there is resistance and tension and I don't want to do it, I won't do it. And that's what happened to me in the past with filming videos. I would take so long to get ready, to set up the camera and the lighting so perfectly, to write a whole script, just to start filming and feel stiff like a statue, and speak like a robot, mess up and then spend hours editing out all my ums. 

The perfectionism is paralyzing, and it has stopped me from doing what I know I deeply want to do, which is share my wisdom, insights, failures, and wins with all of you who are willing to listen. 

I plan to show up authentically as myself, no fancy lighting, makeup and outfits. Just showing up raw and real. Authentically myself, unedited and unscripted. 

I also want to create this platform to interview my friends and co-workers to learn about their life experiences and how they are consciously creating joy and freedom in their own lives as well. 

How will you be creating spiritual, financial and time freedom for yourself in 2025 and beyond? 

After reading my goals, thoughts and ideas for the year, I hope I can inspire you to reflect on your own personal goals in achieving freedom as well! 

I encourage you to take the time to free write these next few weeks. Get deep inside your own heart and excavate your truest desires. 

Please feel free to email me your thoughts, goals and ideas for creating freedom in 2025 to info@christinaangelosstudios.com 

I would be honored to help keep you accountable to achieve your goals, and give you feedback and inspiration on how to stay consistant in your pursuit. 

I pray that you have a fruitful 2025, planting your seeds of freedom now and watering your dreams everyday until your dreams become a reality. It will take time, patience, love and consistency, but I'm here to remind you that if you plant the seed now and continue to water it, over time you will achieve the freedom your heart so deeply desires. In a few years, you will be able to harvest the fruits of your labor. 


Christina Angelos